Case Studies

I am proud to share these memorable moments that have deepened my empathy and compassion for those seeking my services. A lovely client of mine is acutely aware that she is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.  She understands she is in a race against time and especially appreciated the work we did together filing all her papers. I will always keep her sweet note, which read, “We did VERY GOOD this afternoon.  I am so pleased at the airyness on the top of the file cabinet.  THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!

I have a client who is an artist who lives and works out of a one bedroom apartment. Her art studio is in her bedroom and I was able to declutter and organize her bedroom by creating storage systems for her cabinets, reorganizing her closets and reinventing her art studio space in a a harmonious way so that she wouldn’t feel too claustrophobic. She told me that her therapist said I was the best thing for her and that it was money well spent.

Shortly after my Park Slope client invited her boyfriend to move in with her, she discovered their organizational styles were incompatible. I was hired to help them manage the clutter and the three of us came up solid storage solutions and new furniture. She admitted to me that before she hired me, she seriously thought about couple’s counseling but decided against it now that harmony has been restored.

I have a client who is a busy general contractor. She owns several homes and multiple businesses. Her paperwork was very disorganized but extremely important and often accessed. She had previously hired several professional organizers who were unable to create a sustainable solution. I was able to set up a system to get everything successfully organized in a manner that she was able to maintain on her own.